This section defines the default settings for the system. You shouldn't need to change these very often. The fields are:
- Practice Name. Type your practice name in here.
- Default email. This is the reply to email address for any emails you send from the system.
- Invoice comment. Will insert the information in this box on any invoices printed. Best used for including payment details on invoices, eg. bank account information.
- Timezone. You local time zone. Select your nearest city in your timezone from the options on the list.
- Currency symbol. Select the symbol used in your country.
- Telecoms location. This tells the system what country prefixes and what mobile prefixes to look for in the system. Select your country from the list. If we have created a custom signup for you, please do not change this.
- Sales Tax Name. Tells the system what sales tax name to insert on invoices and the like.
- If you are in Australia you will see an option to enter an API key for Medipass/HICAPs Go, and a checkbox to receive notifications for successful payments from Medipass should you want to receive these.
- The Days before Cancellation follow up is for the cancelled appointment follow up tasks. When an appointment is cancelled you will be prompted as to whether you want to create a task to follow up with the patient. This is how many days in the future the task will be scheduled for.
- As for the cancellation follow up, this is the time delay for DNA follow ups.
- Include next appointment on statements by default does as it says...
Be sure to click "Save" after making any changes.