This screen enables you to upload an image that you can then include on your invoices and statements. To set an image click on Invoice Image menu option under Settings.
If you haven't already uploaded an image you will be presented with the screen below. Click the "Choose File" button to choose a file from your computer. If you want the image to be included on the invoice or statement by default, leave the box under the Choose File button tick. If you usually use letterhead and just want to be able to include the image on electronic copies for example, untick the box. You can either select to include or not include the image when you print the statement or invoice.
Once you have made your selections click on "Upload File" to upload it. Once the file has uploaded successfully you will see the following screen with your uploaded image. It it doesn't work you will see an error message. Try again and if it still doesn't work please lodge a support request.
If you wish to delete the image and upload another, click on Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Click Okay to confirm. You will then be returned to the upload screen where you can upload another image.