Group Appointment/Class Types

Group Appointments are used for scheduling multiple attendees per appointment.  A typical example would be a pilates class run by a practitioner at a certain time. To be able to book group appointments you need to define the appointment types.

To do this visit the Settings section then click Group Appointment Types from the side menu options. When the page loads you will see a list of any defined appointment types.

To edit existing appointments, make the changes to any of them, then click "Update".  To delete a type, click "Delete", select the relevant type then click "Remove".

Adding a New Group Appointment Type

To add a new type, click New.  Complete the fields then click Add.  All fields are optional but we recommend you complete as many as possible.

  1. Item number. This is the item number/code that third party payers may use for claiming purposes.
  2. Own Description. This is the description that shows up in internal menus and drop down lists. It is not shown to the public. It should be something that helps you identify the type as easily as possible.
  3. Invoice Description. This is the description used on invoices and online booking and hence will be seen by the public.
  4. Full Fee. The fee you charge for full price attendees. Can be zero or any positive number.
  5. Conc Fee. The fee you charge for concession price attendees. Can be zero or any positive number.
  6. Tax rate. The tax rate to be charge on the service.
  7. Duration. The number of minutes allocated to the appointment.
  8. Max. Attendees. The maximum number of attendees that can be booked per class via online booking. This can be overridden by by your users as needed and adjusted on a per appointment basis.
  9. Diary Colour. The colour of the appointment in the diary.
  10. Text Colour. The colour of the text on the appointment in the diary. Should be adjusted to be readable on the selected appointment colour.
  11. Order. (Visible on the "update" section after the appointment is added).  This defines the order in which the different appointment types are shown in drop down lists in the system.