External Practitioner Types, Referral Sources and Payment Categories

  1. Overview
  2. Settings
  3. External Practitioner Types, Referral Sources and Payment Categories

These are simply lists of settings for the system. The External Practitioner Types are the types available for selection in the External Practitioners section. To add a new option select the “New” button, type the name into the field and click “Add”. To delete click the “Delete” button the follow the prompts.

The Referral sources list is the same except these are the options available on the patient details screen for referral sources. To get the most benefit from the analysis of your marketing, link these to specific marketing campaigns. Edit in the same way as External Practitioner Types.

Payment Categories define the categories for the Patient Details screen which alerts you to whether the patient is in a category that needs special attention such as concession etc. Edit in the same way as External Practitioner Types.