Master & Secondary Accounts/Family Pooling

  1. Overview
  2. Patient Details Section
  3. Master & Secondary Accounts/Family Pooling

iconpractice offers the facility to link patients together and share credit payments between them. To do this you set a "Master" account/patient and then link "Secondary" accounts/patients to them. Credit is then added to the Master account which is then available to linked secondary accounts when entering transactions.  This is most often used for families where one person holds the funds for the rest of the family.

To make a person a Master account, go to their Accounts page and scroll to the "Master Acc. Link" section and select the "Make a Master Account" radio button, then tick the "Set as Master Account" tick box.  That person is now a Master account. When other accounts are linked they will show under "Linked Secondary Acc's:".


To link someone to a Master account, go to the  "Master Acc. Link" section and select the "Make a Secondary Account" radio button, then in the "Search for Master Acc:" field that shows, search for the Master account to which you wish to link and select it from the results.  Then click Save.


To unlink a Secondary account from a Master account click Unlink.

Note: Master accounts cannot be Secondary accounts while they have other account linked to them. Unlink all accounts first then change the type. Secondary accounts cannot be Master accounts until they are unlinked.

Adding and Using Credit

To add credit, use the Payment option on the left-click appointment options or click Enter Payment from the Accounts screen.  Enter a payment as usual.

To use credit, when entering a transaction, is credit is available it will show on the right area when you choose to enter a payment with a transaction.

Just click in the relevant field and it will populate with the outstanding amount.

Tip: when processing a health insurance payment, before applying any available credit enter the health insurance payment in the left area as normal, then click in the available credit box and it will calculate the correct amount outstanding (up to any available credit).