Today's To Dos

While there is a whole screen dedicated to the To Do function it is useful to be able to see what is due for today. At the top right corner of the Diary screen there is the text "Today". When you have a task due today, there will be a red circle with a number in it over the word Today. The number corresponds with the tasks due. Note only today's tasks are shown. Overdue tasks are not shown here.

To view these tasks in the diary, click on the word Today. A box with the tasks listed will appear. If the task is linked to a patient (the text of the task will be green if it is), click on the task to be taken to that patient's details screen.

To mark a task complete, click the box next to it. To view all tasks click the words Show All to be taken to the To Do screen. If not all tasks are visible, hover your mouse over the box and scroll down. To close the box with the tasks either re-click the word Today or click outside of the box.