iconpractice can be configured to allow you to export your daily transactions directly into Xero for payments received. This guide will show you how to go about setting this up. You may also find our video overview useful.
To go about setting up for Xero you need to have created a Contact in Xero with the name [Your Clinic Name] Sales. For example, for we created Diamond Valley Brain Centre Sales in Xero.
You then need to connect to Xero via iconpractice. To do this go to Settings. Under Xero on the side menu click Connect. Then click on the Connect to Xero button. You will be taken to Xero to enter your login details. It will then ask you to allow access for iconpractice which you should approve. You will be then taken back to iconpractice.
A pdf version of this guide can be downloaded here.
Settings & Groups
Once connected to Xero, click on Settings, then under the Xero menu on the side select Settings & Groups. This is where we set up your connection to Xero.
The top two options under the Xero Settings heading enable you to set which Revenue Account you post your sales to. iconpractice will post an entry for untaxed sales, and one for taxed sales. Many people will post both types to the one Revenue account. Select whichever ones you want to use from the drop down lists and click “Update” to save.
Next you need to create your payment groups. iconpractice lets you specify different payment methods when entering transactions, but many of those types are grouped together when they are paid into your bank account. Visa, Mastercard and EFTPOS are the most common ones being paid in one transaction by the bank. To make things easier to reconcile in Xero, we need to set up groups for the different payment types.

To do this click “Add Group”. Then name the group, for example “Card receipts”, and select which of the Bank Accounts in Xero you want this allocated to. This should be account you reconcile the group in. For example if your card transactions get paid to your Savings account, select Savings account from the drop down list. Click “Save” to create the group.
Most people using the NAB HICAPs system will need to create these groups:
- Card receipts
- Cash
- American Express (if you take Amex)
Once you have created your groups, then return to the main Settings & Groups screen and click on “Add Payment Types”. You will see a list of the groups you created. Select one of the groups, e.g. Card receipts by clicking on the radio button next to it, then select the payment type from the drop down list at the bottom. In this case we would select EFTPOS. Then click “Link”. Repeat this process for all the payment types. Typical users would have this:
- Card receipts
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Other card
- Cash
- cash
- Cheque
- American Express (if you take Amex)
- American Express
Once you have allocated all of them click “Done”. If you make a mistake you can click “Remove”.
Once this is complete you are ready to start exporting your transactions to Xero.
Exporting transactions.
Click on the Settings menu, then choose Export from the Xero section on the side menu. If you are not connected to Xero you will be prompted to connect.
If you are connected you can select the date range that you wish to export. The last date that you exported up to is shown. The From date will default to one day after the last export date. Select the date you want to export up to. We recommend that you only export complete days, i.e. don’t export a day half way through, so either export up until the day before or wait till close of business on the current day. To export click “Export”. You data will then be exported to Xero.
To check that the export has worked correctly, look in the Sales->Invoices section of Xero. The Invoice should show up under the Paid section.