With the online booking service in iconpractice you have the option to preselect practitioners and an appointment type.
The most likely situation in which you would use this facility was if you were running advertising campaigns for particular appointment types, e.g. free screenings and only wanted to make that appointment type available and only with certain practitioners.
Another situation in which you might use this is if you had a team page on your website, and underneath each practitioner, you could have a button to book an appointment with that specific practitioner.
Hosted Online Booking Page
If you are sending people to the booking page hosted by us, to use this function you need to add what are known as "parameters" to your online booking URL.
The parameter you need to add to preselect a practitioner is: prac_set
The parameter to preselect an appointment type is: appt_type
After the prac_set parameter you need to specify the ID number of the practitioner, visible in the first column on the list of practitioners under Settings->Practitioners. If you wish to specify more than one practitioner, it should be a comma separated list. E.g.
For a single practitioner:
For multiple practitioners:
After the appt_type you need to specify the ID of the appointment type. This is visible in the first column on the list of Services under Settings->Services. E.g.
NOTE: you can only preselect one appointment type. Setting multiple types is not supported.
An example where both practitioners and an appointment are set:
Embeddable Widget
Alternatively, when using our javascript widget on your website, you can specify the practitioners you want to have showing. It is not possible to filter by appointment type with the widget at this time. Use this feature by specifying the practice ID, then the ID of the practitioner(s) you wish to include as illustrated below:
//Using Javascript Map Object:practices: new Map([ [1, [2,3]]]) // for the practice with ID 1, show and practitioners with ID numbers 2 and 3// E.g<div id="chmwidget">Loading...</div><script> (function (w, d, s, o, f, js, fjs) { w['CHM-Iconpractice'] = o; w[o] = w[o] || function () { (w[o].q = w[o].q || []).push(arguments) }; js = d.createElement(s), fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js.id = o; js.src = f; js.async = 1; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(window, document, 'script', 'w1', 'https://api.iconpractice.com/assets/js/widget.js')); w1('init', { targetElementID: 'chmwidget', obToken: 718223, obToken2: 466330, practices: new Map([ [1, [2,3]] ]) });</script>
In the above Map Object above, 1 refers to the practice ID number, and 2,3 refer to the ID numbers of the practitioners that will be shown at that practice.
Note: the ID numbers for practices can be found on the Settings->Practices page, and the practitioners on Settings->Practitioners page.
If you would like assistance with setting this up, feel free to create a support ticket.